Monday, February 6, 2012

Here Comes the Bride...

Very excited!

The music for the ceremony has been selected.

The choices are not my original due to the fact that we will have live music as opposed to a recording.  Some things just don't sound as good without the full band supporting. to get to those invitations...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Andrew and I visited home for some fun wedding chores.  This was by far the funnest part of wedding planning.  We did a taste testing for our entrees. YUM!   We tried some delicious dishes. I don't want to give much away yet, but per usual we will have a beef and chicken dish.

You'll have to wait for your invitation for more delectable details.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oh Wait Just a Minute Mr. Postman...

So, yesterday I told you that my dress was ordered...

Well, today it came!!  

How super duper excited am I?! Enough to use the word "duper".

Now to squeeze it in my closet...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mr. Postman...


So surreal.  I can't wait to try it on in my room and send photos to all my bridesmaids.  EEEEKKKKK

Bridesmaid dresses will be in around Feb.  Things are coming along!

Mum and I have looked into our decorations.  Let me tell you, you can "design on a dime"  you just have to be vigilant and think outside of the box!

I'm really, super excited to get married.  I think the wedding will be a lot of fun too : )

Friday, November 4, 2011

This is probably my favorite picture of Andrew.  It was the first night we hung out by ourselves.  We stayed out all night and talked under the stars.  It was freezing!  We had lots of layered clothes and blankets though : )

I'm reminiscing, can you tell?  It's weird to think about the fact that I'll be spending forever with this special person.  It is also really exciting!!   Lots more star gazing in our future!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dress to Impress

So in my search for the perfect dress, I tried my mother's on.  It may be about as stylish as it was then (in 1984).  It fit!  If I was having a fall or winter wedding, I would actually consider wearing it :o)

You'll just have to wait for a few more months to see the real dress, which has been found, but has yet to be purchased!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Oh Me, Oh My

My photographer friend that I wanted to do our wedding pictures is getting married the weekend before Andrew and me.

...This means he will be gone on his honeymoon during OUR wedding.

Anyone in the Bloomington area know of some talented, reliable, and economical photographers?

Any suggestions of what to do now?

I know that God has something super special in store, so I'm not even going to fret.  My primary concern is that the date is available for the person I choose.  Prayers are appreciated!  God is good and he will make his choice very evident I am sure.

Oh, one last thing to close this sporadic post:  Dress shopping will hopefully commence soon.  Details will follow when it does : )

Blessings to all, family and friends!